Our Shabbat services are warm and friendly with a mix of English and Hebrew. Our melodies are both traditional and contemporary.
We use the Mishkan T'filah Reform siddur/prayerbook.
Children and families are always welcome at services. There is nothing we like more than to pray to the sounds of children's voices.
Friday Night
Shabbat Services - Please check our calendar for up-to-date Shabbat service details.
*Beginning in September 2024 our Shabbat services will be held at 6:30pm, in an effort to make it an earlier ending time.
Our Family Service
Family Services are co-led by our Religious School students. Please see our calendar for Family Service dates.
Tot Shabbat ** Tot Shabbat is currently on hold.
Abbreviated Shabbat - 5:30 pm usually first Friday of the month. For families with young children under age 5. Check the calendar to confirm or call the temple office at 805-466-0329
Wed, September 18 2024
15 Elul 5784
Shabbat At Home
Looking for easy ways to make Shabbat special at home? Check out the links below for some great resources:
Check out Reform Judaism's list of "100 Things To Do On Shabbat"
You don't have to spend all day making an elaborate Shabbat meal for it to be special. Special just means out of the ordinary. What is something you don't usually eat? Maybe you let the kids choose the main course, or order take-out, or try different cuisines from different Jewish communities around the world. The possibilities are endless – be creative! Visit the RJ Food and Recipe blog
Shabbat is full of blessings and opportunities to be grateful for what we have in our lives. You can learn and say these blessings at home.